Olive & Co. Studios
Let us do this part
Today's Date:
Thu Mar 13 2025 07:14
Olive & Co. Consent Form
Please read and answer
No, I do not have diabetes, epilepsy, hemophilia, a heart condition, nor do I take blood thinning medication. I do not have any other condition that may interfere with the application or healing of the tattoo. I am not the recipient of an organ or bone marrow transplant or, if I am, I have taken the preventive anti-biotics. I am not pregnant or nursing. I do not have a mental impairment that may affect my judgment in getting the tattoo.
If "YES", please specify.

Are you allergic to anything that will affect the tattoo process?
Are you allergic to Lidocaine?

Bloodbourne Pathogens*
Do you have any bloodbourne pathogens, transmittable diseases or recent illnesses? (It's okay if you do, we just want to know for our and other's safety). For example, HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis ( any strain) or any other blood-borne illness.

That I have been fully informed of the inherent risks, associated with getting a tattoo. I fully understand that these risks, known and unknown, can lead to injury, including but not limited to infection, scarring, difficulties in detecting melanoma and allergic reactions to tattoo pigment, latex gloves, and/or soap. Having been informed of the potential risks, I still wish to proceed with the tattoo application and I freely accept and expressly assume any and all risks.
Have you eaten in the past 2hrs? It's a good idea to before hand to increase your blood sugar levels to avoid fainting. (Should be YES)
The Artist and the Tattoo Studio have given me instructions on the care of my tattoo while it's healing, and I understand them and will follow them. I acknowledge that it is possible that the tattoo can become infected, particularly if I do not follow the instructions given to me. If any touch-up work to the tattoo is needed due to my own negligence, I agree that the work will be done at my own expense. If any touch up is required for fineline tattoos, it will be done at my own expense.

Touch ups are valid for 3 months after the day of the tattoo.
TO WAIVE AND RELEASE to the fullest extent permitted by law each of the Artist and the Studio from all liability whatsoever, for any and all claims or causes of action that I, my estate, heirs, executors or assigns may have for personal injury or otherwise, including any direct and/or consequential damages, which result or arise from my tattoo, whether caused by the negligence or fault of either the Artist or the Tattoo Studio, or otherwise.
I am not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and I am voluntarily submitting to be tattooed by the Artist without duress or coercion.
Neither the Artist nor the Tattoo Studio is responsible for the meaning or spelling of the symbol or text that I have provided to them or chosen from the flash (design) sheets or that they have designed. I accept the responsibility of checking all text or spelling or symbols and stencil before the tattoo starts.
Variations in colour/design may exist between the art I have selected and the actual tattoo. I also understand that over time, the colours and the clarity of my tattoo will fade due to natural dispersion of pigment under the skin.
A tattoo is a permanent change to my appearance and can only be removed by laser or surgical means, which can be disfiguring and/or costly and which in all likelihood will not result in the restoration of my skin.
Legal Action*
I agree to reimburse each of the Artist and the Tattoo Studio for any attorneys' fees and costs incurred in any legal action I bring against either the Artist or the Tattoo Studio and in which either the Artist or the Tattoo Studio is the prevailing party. I agree that the that the courts of Johannesburg in South Africa shall have personal jurisdiction and venue over me and shall have exclusive jurisdiction for the purpose of litigating any dispute arising out of or related to this agreement.
I release all rights to any photographs taken of me and the tattoo and give consent in advance to their reproduction in print or electronic form. (If you do not tick this provision, please advise your Artist).
I acknowledge that I have been given adequate opportunity to read and understand this document, that any and all of my questions have been answered, that it was not presented to me at the last minute, and I understand that I am signing a legal contract waiving certain rights to recover against the Artist and the Tattoo Studio.
Please note that your booking includes design & stencil time.
I am aware that due to the human element in the tattooing process, quotes are purely estimates. Your tattoo can possible take longer or shorter than the initial estimated time.

Overtime will be charged after 5pm according to the artists hourly rate.

Follow up Questions
Is this your first tattoo?
Are you afraid of needles?
Have you ever fainted?

Steroid Medication*
Steroid Medication can slow down your heal time. In-Vitro Fertilisation can cause issues with the heal time, quality of healing and the end result of the tattoo appearance. We recommended to wait until the medication is out of your system before you consider any tattoo work to ensure the best results.
Thank you for trusting us to do your tattoo!
Olive & Co. Tattoo Studio
If any provision, section, subsection, clause or phrase of this release is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that portion shall be severed from this contract. The remainder of this contract will then be construed as though the unenforceable portion had never been contained in this document.
Client Information
I hereby declare that I am of legal age (with valid proof of age) and am competent to sign this Agreement.
Legal Name:*
Chosen name:
Date of birth:*
You must be 18 or older
Phone #:*
Social Handle:
If you don't mind us tagging you in photos online

Emergency Contact
If something happens, your emergency contact might need to explain your medical history, allergies, or medications.
Phone #:*
Photo ID
Please take photo(s) of your government issued photo IDs and related paperwork.